Pirates House


Activity: SUP, Sight Seeing

While Stand Up Paddle Boarding, (SUP), Newport Harbor in Newport Beach California I came across an Oddity that left me dumbfounded, slack jawed, and muttering to myself, “What the…”

SUP’ Newport Beach…

I first spied a couple of folks off in the distance. They seemed to be out enjoying the perfect California beach Summer time weather, blue skies, with a light breeze in the upper 70’s. I was paddling along a waterway lined with beautiful beach homes, yachts and docks of the well to do. Every home immaculate, every boat and yacht meticulously cared for certainly a setting something out of a magazine. I was thinking, those folks out on the dock certainly seem pretty still. Then it hit me all at once, the figures were not people, but figurines in a most elaborate and peculiar scene only upstaged by Disneyland’s Pirates of the Caribbean Attraction and that is only because Disneyland’s attraction has sound affects.

Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a Pirate’s Life for Me…

What to my wandering eyes should appear but dozens and dozens of buccaneers and pirate paraphernalia adorning the dock, a couple of boats and the entire structure of this Spanish Styled home. Shiver me Timbers there were cutlasses, cannons and a treasure chest too boot. Yo ho me hearties it was quite a spectacle to take in swashbuckling sea Captains surrounded by scurvy dogs climbing ropes and scallywags leaning out of every porch and window.

Pirate House
Pursuing Balance Through Adventure YouTube Channel

I didn’t have my camera with me on my paddle board trip so I tracked down the spot and returned later in my vehicle to 35th Street and Marcus Ave, Newport Beach, CA 92663 to record this pirate display. It seems that Orange County has a thing for pirates. Checkout my trip to Pirate’s Tower.

“For certain, you have to be lost to find a place that can’t be found.
Else ways, everyone would know where it was.” 
― Captain Barbossa, Pirates of the Caribbean

I would like to thank ye land lubbers for accompanying me on me voyage to Pirate House whilst I was ‘Pursuing Balance Through Adventure’ on a SUP. There are always more adventures ahead stick with me by doing the following:  FOLLOW, LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE. I invite you to checkout the menu above as my adventures take place all over this Great West of ours and in many different forms, from on the water such as this outing, to hiking and backpacking, off-roading, overlanding, mountain biking and so forth and so on all with the hope to inspire ideas about your own next adventure. The menu is categorized mostly by location and each is a separate website and thus needs to be FOLLOWED independently. It’s a big beautiful world out there. Life was made to be lived, so get out there and enjoy some ‘Pursuing Balance Through Adventure’. Do you need adventure wear? The answer to that question is yes indeed, so checkout my PBTA Line of hats and t-shirts at SHOP APPAREL.

Happy Trails-

Roger Jenkins

Pursing Balance Through Adventure

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